








動画 空手家との組手(マススパー)や演武など、制心道の実際の動きをご確認いただけます。 自衛瞑想とは 「自衛瞑想|制心道」とは、道家武術の精神と技法を基盤としつつ…

The Essence of Immobility Training

Immobility training, as represented by symmetrical body center control (Zhanzhuang/Standing Zen), refers to a group of exercises that involve maintaining a fixed posture without movement. All movements, whether intense or gentle, have their origins in the state of non-movement.

Center Control Balance and Immobility Training

The purpose of immobility training is to maintain center control balance while stopping movement, which can be considered the most unforgiving form of training. Achieving center control balance means being in harmony with the Earth, the largest object we are in contact with.

The Ultimate Immobility Training

While there are various forms of immobility training, symmetrical body center control is considered the ultimate form. Symmetrical body center control focuses on the body's central axis and stabilizes the center of gravity, maximizing the sense of unity with the Earth.

Through immobility training, one can refine their center control balance and deepen their connection with the Earth, cultivating the body's stability and mental concentration, which form the foundation of martial arts.

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